Friday 27 September 2013

Tips for new camera operators

I've been behind the scenes making promotional videos, commercials, and reality tv shows for the last six years.  Here are some tips I recommend for anyone getting in the industry:

1. Wear black. You don't want to attract attention to yourself. If the talent is distracted by you they won't be able to do an effective job.

2. Don't look at the talent when recording.  You may distract the talent causing them to lose their train of thought. The talent may also think you want to talk to them and stop performing.

3. For micro productions, I bring along: cotton balls, to remove shine on a person's skin; Tide to Go, for any stains that may occur on the talent's clothes; a Letherman, for minor repairs to equipment; and a roll of electrical tape.

I hope these tips will help you as a camera operator on your next video production.